Funny Life Lessons From Big City Survivors

Humor as a Survival Skill

Oleg Deem
2 min readDec 16, 2023
Funny Life Lessons From Big City Survivors. Humor as a Survival Skill
Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash
  • Driver: “Take solace in the fact that you can blame all your bad driving habits on the GPS. ‘Sorry, officer, I was just following the instructions!’”
  • Startuper: “Remember, failure is just a pivot in disguise. When life gives you lemons, make a lemonade delivery startup and disrupt the beverage industry.”
  • Influencer: “Embrace the ‘influencer diet’ — a balanced meal consists of 80% food photography and 20% actual eating. Calories don’t count if they’re not on camera, right?”
  • Vlogger: “When it comes to travel, the motto is ‘Pics or it didn’t happen.’ So make sure to document every meal, every sunset, and every moment of existential crisis in a foreign country.”
  • Office clerk: “Remember, office birthdays are a serious affair. Master the art of pretending to be excited about another round of off-key singing and store-bought cake.”
  • Single mom: “Remember, a purse is like Mary Poppins’ magical bag. It contains everything from snacks and band-aids and a guide ‘How to survive on minimal sleep’.”
  • Macho: “When faced with a tough decision, always ask yourself, ‘What would Joe Tribbiani do?’ Then do the exact opposite because let’s face it, you’re not as good as Joe Tribbiani.”
  • Digital Nomad: “When it comes to packing, remember that you have two options: pack light or develop superhuman strength to carry your luggage up six flights of stairs.”
  • Shopper: “Free samples are just a cruel marketing ploy to awaken desires that can never be fully satisfied. Be wary”.
  • Enamored: “Embrace the joy of discovering your partner’s quirky habits. From their strange late-night snack combinations to their unique dance moves in the kitchen, there’s never a dull moment.”
  • Tourist: “Avoid trying to dance like nobody’s watching because there can be a security camera. You might end up becoming an unexpected viral sensation.”
  • Unemployed: “When faced with the question of ‘What do you do for a living?’ respond with a mischievous smile and say, ‘I’m currently in the business of self-discovery.’”

Have a nice day))



Oleg Deem

Don't follow me, It's a rollercoaster of sarcasm, unconventional advice and dark humor.